Monday, January 17, 2011

Say I Love You With Beer

Everyone knows that Valentine’s Day is the time to get across your love to your partner. The problem is that it can be certainly quite hard for you women to figure out what to give to your guy. You could always get something sexy for yourself and use this as your present to him, but for some husbands and wives this just won’t work. jewelry is the conventional gift, but seriously, women adore these presents more than your man does. You could buy him an a new BBQ, but then you will probably not hear a word from him for the next two weeks. So, what are some other things you could do? Let beer be the answer! I’m fairly confident he will think it’s a terrific gift. Now, don’t just go purchase a six-pack of any atypical beer and give it to him in a brown paper bag; only other guys can be so not cool. Instead,plug in your computer and search for and order a Valentine beer tub to be shipped to his work. This will cost somewhat more than that stand alone beer, but it will make a HUGE impact on him. Imagine his great surprise when the courier arrives (or FedEx package) with a Valentines beer tub. Beer gift for Valentines day full of awesome craft beers and great tasting food items. Make sure to have the enclosure card says something like “I thought you’d desire this almost as much as me. See you tonight! Love.” The other employees will be jealous over this gift. The women will all be saying “oh, how kind” and the guys will be thinking about what boring thing their partner bought them. You can be sure the guys will be thinking “she really know how to buy the right gift!” We can even put a few extra chocolates in the tub that he can give to you. If he’s really a nice guy, he’ll share the beer with you. You won’t give him a guilt trip if he doesn’t will you If you enjoyed this article and would like to see more join us on Facebook and Twitter.

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