Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cheese Facts & Gift Ideas

Boy could you go on for ever about cheese. The French believe that the more stinky the better the cheese. Business people think that to succeed you need to realize that your cheese might get moved. Kids grew up with the stinky cheese man. Farmers realize that if they can't sell their milk to a grade A dairy they can always sell it as grade B and it will be made into cheese. Wow that is a lot of conversation about cheese without really saying anything. Cheese comes in so many types it is hard to keep up. I know that there are people that are as snooty about cheese as there are about wine. I have grown quite fond of cheese over the years. I even have learned to like goat cheese. Basketsbyrita's recent undertaking is to seek out great cheese that is shelf stable so we can include it for you in a gift basket.

Basketsbyrita offers a cheese basket, a fruit and cheese basket, a wine and cheese basket and of course gourmet baskets which all have cheese in them. We sell everything from a smoked pepper cheese to a creamy mild Havarti cheese. The selections are endless so we are working hard to offer them all. Our recent offering is a beer cheese for our beer gift baskets.
fruit and cheese basket
So don't let the stinky cheese man steel your cheese and if he moves it stay at it until you find it and cut it share with your farmer friends okay!

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