Monday, January 12, 2009

get well soon gift basket

How many times have you asked yourself what to give to someone that is sick or injured. Many times the answer is based on what the situation is. If someone just had heart surgery you probably don't want to send them a box of butter cookies and cheese and crackers. You might also resist sending a new mother who is planning on breast feeding a big box of chocolate unless you want her to be up all night with a baby that can't sleep due to too much caffeine.

Flowers are nice but everyone thinks of flowers and you can only look at and touch flowers you can't eat them and enjoy them. Food is the great healer and can bring a real sense of comfort and well being to someone under the weather. Our get well gift basket has a nice assortment of goodies that are easy to eat and share during those long hours in bed.

Want to do something custom well that is always a good idea. Add those favorite goodies they love and that makes the gift even more special. It can be so easy to send your message of thoughtful well wishes.

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